AG-Services is lead by Guillaume Ardoise
Guillaume (49) has over 18 years of experience in Offshore Oil&Gas and Marine Renewables and a dual
expertise in both technology and business development.
He has lead numerous technical due diligences and accompanied several technology developments.
His recent involvements include:
- Offshore Floating Wind: Principle Power; Gusto (Dutch Trifloater), DCNS + Nass&Wind (Winflo)
- Offshore Wind: A2SEA, EDF-EN, UFO/FredOlsen, SHL, SeaRenergy/Siemens
- Wave Energy Conversion: SBM S3, PWP, OE Buoy, Anaconda
- Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion "OTEC": DCNS Demonstration, Lockheed-Martin FEED
Do not hesitate to contact AG-Services for further details and references.
Companies trusting AG-Services: